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3 Things This Learning Technologist Can't Do

There are many many things related to learning technology that I have no ability to accomplish, but wish I had...

On children's literature and academic administration

I've been going to a lot more meetings this year than I've done in years past — it's a mark...

The Shuffle, or, The Hidden Cost of Savings

With the budget situation continuing to worsen, we're often unable to replace people when they leave. When the people in...

Apple's Podcast Producer for Lecture Capture?

The EDUCAUSE annual conference offers the best opportunity each year to spend time with educational technology companies in order to...

Standards and students

Curricular innovation has been a hot topic on the Green Schools List ( email "subscribe grnsch-l" to the past...

For, Against, and That Elusive Third Category...

In a couple of discussions on campus this week, I've had variations on this exchange: Prof: So this is why...

E-books and Colleges

This weekend Randall Stross asked "Will Books be Napsterized?" in the NYTimes. Writes Stross: "Until now, few readers have preferred...

Career Coach: More on Women and Work Styles

I thought all of the responses to last week’s post were terrific. Differential treatment can be hard to talk about...