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Wednesday Wonder Cabinet 2

Gaze into the box: I had some fun yesterday doing a nearly hour-long interview on my novel with the local...

Power 101

Several alert readers sent me this story about Southwestern College, a cc near San Diego. According to the IHE account...

Debating with Gardner Campbell

Gardner Campbell will be moderating/participating in an EDUCAUSE POINT/COUNTERPOINT session with myself and John Fritz: "Learning Management Technologies: Enterprise System...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Bullet Points on women in the news

-- Joann Lipman notes in the New York Times that women's advances in the work force seem to have stalled...

Ask the Administrator: Should I Remain Pure?

A new correspondent writes: I've just started my first quarter as a part-time English instructor at a community college near...

Social Media and Ed. Tech. Companies

Where social media make sense to me are as a method of exposing the fact that organizations are made up...

Kids Today...

These three articles are all about the same thing: kids today... Tim Burke's piece details the issues of self-presentation among...

Why Hasn't Mobile Learning Gained Traction?

This weekend I spent some times reading the NYTimes, reading a novel, exchanging e-mail, watching a TED Talk, and surfing...