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Ask the Administrator: Let's Go to the Videotape!

An occasional correspondent writes: At one of my adjunct gigs (where I teach just once a week) the HR department...

Support Faculty Choice for Open Learning

Brad Stone has an interesting piece "The Argument for Free Classes via iTunes" in today NYTimes. He reports that iTunesU...

Selling sustainability

Let me start by saying that I'm tremendously conflicted on this subject. Probably the first lessons I taught my children...

A Correction

Yesterday a reader commented that "[y]our blog paints such a sad portrait of a cc." I didn't think that was...

EDUCAUSE Going Mobile

I'm going home And when I want to go home, I'm going mobile Well I'm gonna find a home on...

Seeking Federal Support

I am having trouble signing on to the campaign to make our universities dependencies of the federal government. I want...


The arguments that sustainability advocates have been making, which aren't working well enough, have been largely fact-based. (That's what often...

Graduating Into the Great Recession

I graduated into a recession, but went to graduate school instead, where poverty was less 'cyclical' than just 'the way...