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Yesterday's news

No, I'm not concerned with what will be (by the time you read this) last night's State of the Union...

Classroom Gaffes

When explaining how to prepare adequately for creative writing workshops, I ask new classes to take their peers’ work home...

ABCs and PhD's: Stress

I snow-balled a meltdown as I hurrumphed around this evening, distressed at the resistance of my family to help out...

Space Invaders

Like so many other public colleges, mine is reducing personnel to match reduced budgets. (To its credit, it isn't reducing...

Why Carr Is Wrong About Cushing Academy

Nicholas Carr writes that he "… feel(s) sorry for the kids at Cushing Academy." Cushing is the New England prep...

Ask the Administrator: Student Appeals

A new correspondent writes: I am Nursing faculty at a community college, in only my 2nd year in the academic...

Online Education and Blogging

The other day my CIO asked me, "So exactly how much time do you spend each day blogging?" Maybe not...

The real mother of invention

No, not Frank Zappa. Well, maybe Zappa, too, but that's not what I meant. What I meant was perceived necessity...