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Ask the Administrator: Limiting Letters of Recommendation

A new, but beleaguered, correspondent writes: I'm hoping that you might have some advice on limiting letters of recommendation. I...

On Facebook, Video and Attention

The News Feed on my Facebook account just popped up a notice: "On Leadership: Dartmouth College president and public-health leader...

Guest Review: Understanding Nationalism

*** Review by Okla Elliott The Cognitive Turn in Theory and Cultural Studies: A Review of Understanding Nationalism , by...

Saw That One Coming

According to this story in IHE, Bristol Community College in Massachusetts is partnering with a for-profit provider (The Princeton Review)...

Soccer Coaches and College Professors

Soccer is much on my mind the days, as my 13 year old is beginning her season. I've come to...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Advising, Again

A few months ago I offered some advice to my daughter in this space, about keeping her options open and...

Ask the Administrator: Casting Against Type

A new correspondent writes: I'm wondering if you have any advice for those of us in school in "abstract" or...

The Online Learning Discussion

Lots of discussion going around IHE today about online learning. Steve Kolowich kicked off a discussion about one academic's attempt...