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Technology Appreciation Week

The Underwater Construction School at the Naval Construction Battalion (Seabee) Center in Port Hueneme, California, offered useful blocks of instruction...

Technology needs to be more than a "thread"

If you have worked in student affairs since 2008, you are most likely aware of the ongoing conversations around the...

The Amazon Gorilla and the Future of the Academic Library

Great discussion around Scott McLemee's concerns around the power of Amazon and a superb list of the top 10 things...

Challenges for African University Leadership

A recent leadership seminar that brought together rectors and vice-chancellors of African Universities in 17 countries highlighted the many challenges...

Long Distance Mom: Saving for College?

Now that my children are almost college-age, I have to face some cold, hard facts of personal accounting. I have...

Bread crumb the third - In the museum

I was recently in the Canadian Museum of Civilization. (Does the USA even have a museum of civilization? And what...

The Future of the Academic Library

In the next few blogs I will highlight some moments from the Institute for Computer Policy and Law held last...

Institute for Computer Policy and Law: Day 4

We had three knock-out sessions on Day 4. Nothing I say here will compare with simply watching the videos:…...