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Campus Conundrums

Critical reflections on some of higher ed’s hottest topics.

Featured Gig: Managing Director of Online Education at UVA

Introducing a new series that attempts to spread the word about cool new digital/online learning jobs and alternative academic (alt-ac) opportunities.

What’s Off Limits From AI?

Are we together on this, or is it just anything goes?

Three Questions on Academic Innovation for U-M’s Mike Daniel

A conversation with the University of Michigan’s Center for Academic Innovation senior director of policy and chief operating officer.

Anti-Colonialism and the College Curriculum

To address the legacies of slavery and colonialism, read Maryse Condé and Frantz Fanon now.

Building Bridges, Not Walls

How to fuse a more inclusive education for global citizenship with a genuine fluency with Western art, history and philosophy.

To Write a Book, Start a Blog

I didn’t necessarily believe it until I saw how well this works.