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Transparency and Pearson's Free OpenClass LMS: 4 Ideas

Michael Feldstein has a terrific post over on his e-Literate blog: "Why Pearson’s OpenClass Is a Big Deal." Michael's post...

What’s New at University of Venus - Week Ending 22 October 2011

UVenus Around the Web: Dr. Davis tried to decide whether she matches Elizabeth Lewis Pardoe ’ s definition of a...

Inventory time

My kids and I decided that yesterday should be a day we spend in Manhattan. We were already set to meet a terrific former student of mine/good friend and her daughter to go shopping on the lower east side (Canal Street) but we decided to go for the entire day. We started at the Museum of Natural History where the regular exhibits as well as the special exhibits always fascinate.

Surviving, and Triumphing, after a Campus Rape

My friend Beth Adubato was raped in 1981 in her dorm room at the College of William and Mary after...

Why Does Facebook Want Our Kids?

In the New York Times article, "Why Does Facebook Want Our Kids," the on-going micro debate about the Child Online...

Attention Academics

Women in the media. The latest news for the academic audience News about women always represents a big part of...

Math Geek Mom: Two different approaches

One of the things I like most about math and teaching math is that there are often several different ways to get to an answer. For example, if one wanted to differentiate the square of a binomial function, one could multiply (FOIL) it out and then take the derivative, or one could use the product rule or even the chain rule. I often show students how the same answer can be arrived at in multiple ways, filling the board with several different calculations that miraculously all give the same value in the end. It is then that I am tempted to write the letters “Q.E.D.” on the board, which, as we used to joke in graduate school, is Latin for “ta da!”

EDUCAUSE EdTech: 5 Observations

EDUCAUSE manages to cram in many different meeting experiences during a single conference. We go to EDUCAUSE to learn best...