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An Instructure Canvas LMS Timeline

I asked Devin Knighton, director of public relations for Instructure Canvas, for a timeline of the company's major milestones and sales partnerships. Devin also indicated that the next milestone will be learning analytics, coming in Q1 of 2012.

Not What I Signed on For

Last Saturday, I got caught in the snowstorm on my way to work. The clinic is a considerable hike from the subway, and my clothing was soaked through by the time I arrived.

Calculating Value

There has been much reporting in recent days about college costs and student debt, most of it depressing. The “Occupy...

I Write, You Write, We All Write

Thursday, October 20th, was the National Day on Writing created by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). In order to celebrate this day, programs like the National Writing Project asked readers to share why they write.

Happiness, Success, and Academia

A confluence of events have got me thinking about where I am right now in my life, both inside and outside of academia. At the conference this weekend, I was repeatedly asked how I "liked it" where I am right now. I embody the trifecta of complaints in higher education: off the tenure-track, teaching outside my specialty, and in a rural, relatively isolated area. Add to that that I am a Canadian (and Canadianist) relocated to the United States, my current level of professional satisfaction was a topic I was asked to address repeatedly.

Notes from an Emergency

We were lucky. We were only without power and heat for five days.

5 Ed Tech New Revenue Enablers

The next ed tech challenge is enable the creation of new campus revenues. How can campus information technology leaders get in front of strategic efforts to simultaneously raise revenues, lower costs, and increase quality? How does ed tech become a driver of growth?