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Sustainability work #6 - Plotting the course

First, a word of clarification about the title. "Plotting the course" was a phrase that first popped into my alleged...

Drama Mama: One for the road

Drama Mama is officially leaving the building. This is my last post for Mama PhD. Just so you know it’s...

Literary Publishing: Inefficient or Inhumane?

I know: I’m the one who chose to write, and to complain about the problems inherent in one’s own choices...


Maggie's post on temperament and leadership really gets it right – check it out. Although the term "servant leadership" creeps...

Ask the Administrator: VP's du Jour

This isn't a question, per se, but it's too good not to quote. A longtime correspondent writes (edited for relative...

Motherhood After Tenure: Conferencing

Today I travel to my lone academic conference of the year (not counting conferences within driving distance). Like many professors...

ABCs and PhDs: Discussion

Isn’t it funny how after you learn a new word you are suddenly aware of it being used all over...

Please, No More Edsels At Least

I wrote a while back about my feeling that the complexity of technology is accelerating so rapidly that we can’t...