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Why Searches Take So Long

It’s entirely normal for a tenure-track faculty search to take the better part of a year. The same holds for upper-level administrative searches. Within higher ed, it’s easy to take that for granted. It’s the way things have been for a long time, and some of us have never seen it any other way. But in most industries, a timeline like that would -- rightly -- be considered insane. So why do our searches take so long?

Risk and Ethics in Public Scholarship

The young woman is a brilliant researcher. We’ve bonded before over dinner and art. She introduced me to Japanese toilets. That changed my life. She wanted advice and perhaps too a little comfort. Like many of us, she had heeded the call from universities for scholars to demonstrate their value to society through engaged “public scholarship.”

The Challenges of Shifting Gears, Pt 2: Research Edition

It may actually be harder, in the age of social media, to shift gears in your research. But it does't have to be.

An EDUCAUSE 2013 Panel Proposal: "Bringing For-Profits Into the Innovation Conversation"

The EDUCAUSE 2013 call for proposals just landed in my inbox. Are you planning on proposing a session, panel, point/counterpoint or poster?

The $10,000 degree- Provost Prose

I am a huge fan of Consumer Reports and consider them the most objective source of product information available anywhere. Rarely do I ever purchase a product without first checking their evaluation. So when it comes to buying or leasing a car, I look in detail at the ratings of the type of car I am interested in and able to afford. But since I am also a car person, I can’t resist looking at the ratings in general.

Degrees and Debt: Part 1

The Pew Research Center recently released two different reports that call attention to at least one of the issues in higher education.

Artistic Temperament

Ben handed in his application to the BFA program at his college last week. It was a demanding process, involving writing, arranging, performing and recording three original compositions and performing and recording a classical piece, as well as a written essay and a resume of pertinent experience.

Book Review: ‘Available Surfaces: Essays on Poesis,’ by T.R. Hummer

A new collection of essays from The University of Michigan Press's excellent Poets on Poetry Series.