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Louisville Sluggards

An alert reader sent me a link to this article in the Louisville Courier-Journal. Apparently, Kentucky passed some 'reforms' about...

Who's Your Audience?

As an academic on a national job search, I read Richard Florida's latest, Who's Your City?, with mixed emotions. Florida...


I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by access, craving hysterical naked dragging themselves through wired rooms at...

The Rest of Spring Break

We’re finishing our spring break with a couple of days at the Hyatt on the Chicago River, and this view...

Little boxes on the campus-side

More emails go by, some asking whether schools have disallowed first-year students from bringing cars, and what the results have...

Ask the Administrator: Faculty or Staff?

A young correspondent writes: I'm writing to ask your opinion about attending graduate school. I recently graduated from a [public]...

On messages and bottles and such

According to emails that have come across my screen, students from Seattle, WA to Cambridge, MA are organizing to ban...

Ask My Readers: Questions for Some Bigwigs

Scott Jaschik, at Inside Higher Ed, will be moderating a panel at the AACC meeting in Philadelphia entitled "Community Colleges...