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The Recursive Self

As I said a few days ago, my acquaintance Crazy Larry and I went recently to Abbey Road on the...

Citibank to CC's: Drop Dead

Several alert readers sent me links to this article from the New York Times. Apparently, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, and...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Mind the Gap

In my bio for this blog, I mention "two children, one of whom should be heading off to college in...


My position at Greenback U. was created as a direct result of our president's signature on the Presidents Climate Commitment...

The Career Coach Is In: Leave Corporate Life for Academia?

A professional mom named “Abigail” wrote me in the throes of deciding whether to leave her corporate career for an...


We had to get out of Dodge this weekend for a whole series of reasons, so my Mom invited us...

A box of rocks

OK, so it's not particularly related to higher ed, but I have to remark on the White House's belated release...


Solving the sustainability problem is going to require using new technologies, in the broadest sense of that term. ("Technology" simply...