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Quality and/or Quantity in Australian Higher Education?

The Australian government, still the major funding agent of higher education, (although much less so than was the case 20...

When Seasons Collide

The Boy and The Girl are old enough now to play sports, but still too young to drive. (Right now...

Do 307 Samples on My Kindle Mean Anything?

So I've downloaded 307 first chapters free from Amazon to my Kindle. ( There must be a way to automatically...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Looking Forward, Looking Back

Recently I was talking to my daughter about her summer plans. “It’s hard, Mom,” she said. “I have to make...

Deep thoughts from Big Think

According to Big Think, we are "drowning in information." I can relate to that statement. Lately, my own content consumption...

Three Flavors of Dual Enrollment

A few years ago, at a job interview in another state -- it would have been the worst fit ever...

The Four Seasons

I work at a university on the quarter system. Complaint about quarters makes for constant campus conversation, but I remain...

'Aerotropolis' and the University

How dependent is your university on airplanes and airports? The degree to which we are all tied into the jet...