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Little Offerings

One of the oddest things about being a homeowner in a university town is the stuff that gets left in...

Ask the Administrator: Job Searches and Confidentiality, Part XXXVII

A de-lurking correspondent writes: I'm in my second year of full-time faculty teaching at a small CC. I have a...

Scathing Online Schoolmarm

Provost Marty Krauss, whose field is mental retardation, wrote a letter to a professor at her institution, Brandeis University... a...

My Own Responses to Student Comments

One of the TAs in my group office had a public conniption today over her student evaluations from last semester...

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Just as public colleges were starting to recover from 2001 recession, the current economic crisis threatens to reverse gains, a new report finds.

The Gap

I had a lightbulb moment this weekend. Simply put, there's a basic gap between the dialogue in higher ed, and...

Illusions Perdues

UD has no idea why the University of Michigan seems to be holding this year's graduation on the campus of...

Responding to Student Comments

The website for mtv U. has a page of video responses by professors around the country to student comments at...