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Epic Fail

What should a college do when a professor fails 90 percent of the students in an intro class? Apparently, at...

Favorite Literary Films

There’s an academic family around these parts, it’s said, who watch all the Jane Austen films together every Thanksgiving break...

How many angels?

So, drawing on the putative thoughts in the last two posts, one of the problems universities face in trying to...

Math Geek Mom: Iconoclasts in April

Once, when I was in high school, I must have said something that particularly exasperated one of my teachers. She...

Ask the Administrator: Interview for First Administrative Job

A new correspondent writes: I am a faculty member in the humanities at a small comprehensive college, and I may...

Motherhood After Tenure: Talking Balance

Last week a colleague and I gave a talk to new faculty on work-life balance. It is part of series...

Book Publishers' Regrets in 2025

In 2025, when book publishers look back to try to understand why their business became first disintermediated and then displaced...

An inconvenient inventory

Greenback U, like a lot of other schools I'm sure, is in for a rude awakening. Under terms of the...