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What If You Could Do Anything?

I ask students this all the time. If money and geography were no object, where would you go and what would you do? My job is to help their wildest dreams become reality. This week someone asked me what I would teach, if I could teach anything. I panicked.

Statewide Razzie Awards

The Razzie awards are given each year to movies and performances that truly, impressively, memorably stunk. Adam Sandler is up for several this year, which seems about right.

Make a Choice

While options are advantageous for obvious reasons, there is a point at which too much choice might actually make life more difficult.

What Are They Doing in High School? An Invitation

An invitation to a Twitter chat between high school English teachers and first-year composition teachers.

5 Things I Think I Know About Hiring

One of the problems with the whole Predictably Irrational oeuvre of behavioral economics / social psychology literature is that I've lost much of my confidence in my ability to hire well. Turns out, we systematically overestimate our own abilities - in everything from driving to teaching to blogging to (yes) interviewing. Like the children of Lake Wobegon, we are all above average.

Pigeon vision

All my suits are either a shade of blue (usually dark) or a shade of gray varying from medium to dark. My blazers are all differing shades of blue and the accompanying pants are either gray or blue. My shirts are all white and my ties vary from shades of blue to sometimes shades of maroon or dark red. Why am I writing this? Is this my application to be a model for GQ? Or am I about to start a fashion consulting business?

Depth vs. Breadth in Academics

As noted previously, my son has not "applied himself" as thoroughly as he might have in high school. He has instead focused on music, and we have fought to keep him in music electives and after-school band projects against the efforts of teachers and administrators who felt strongly that his music was a destructive distraction from more serious academic studies.

In Which I Complain About the AWP Conference

Sure, it's a good time, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be better.