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Ask My Readers: One-Year Gigs and Undergraduate Research

A returning correspondent writes: I have been skimming the latest crop of advertisements for physicsfaculty, and every so often I...

Help Harvard Spend Its Endowment: Part Two

UD has already proposed that Harvard relieve itself of the guilty burden of a forty billion dollar endowment by giving...

The Art of Breaking

Crazy Larry is in his first Equity play, and we were talking about the similarities between acting and teaching. I...

Slack or Squeeze?

As those last few students trickle in to last-minute registration, those of us who throw ourselves into the scrum at...

Southern Illinois University an Official Laughingstock

UD hesitates to declare any university a laughingstock -- there are always plenty of smart, hard-working, good people at any...

Coach Langston Cast Down to the Bowels of Hell

Your university's football season is almost here! To get you in the mood, UD will be running some noteworthy gridiron...

Trying to Remember 18

In an aside last week, I mentioned that my first semester at Snooty Liberal Arts College was an academic belly-flop...