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Internet Dreams

Please click through to read a brief plan, by my McSweeney's editor and pal John Warner, to rage against the...

Ask the Administrator: Making the Leap to Four-Year Colleges

A new correspondent writes: I am currently an associate professor at a community college. I have applied for several positions...

"People Can Violate NCAA Rules and Then Walk Out with $750,000."

"Elsewhere, when you violate the law or the rules, you go to jail or pay a fine," says an amazed...

You Can't Spell "Funding Cut" Without "Fun"

As my college stares down the barrel of a nasty external funding cut for the coming fiscal year, and a...

Cutting energy by cutting keggers

According to the Harvard Crimson, the University of Iowa is trying to get students into Friday classes. Iowa is apparently...

Fruits of My Labor

My sincere thanks to everyone who’s visited any or all of the three rings of this week’s Churm circus. The...

The Little Truths Writing Contest

You may leave your contest entry as a comment to this post, or at LitPark, where you can check out...

Quid pro carbon?

Apparently, an electric utility has offered Kansas State $2.5 million on the condition that the state government reconsider and approve...