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The fiery debates about Sarah Palin's capacity to lead - the quality of her intellect, the nature of her academic...

Posting and beaming

So, I'm in the process of submitting Greenback's baseline greenhouse gas inventory, as called for under the ACUPCC. AASHE has...

Drama Mama: Downpour, Doubt and Diego

My son’s daycare teacher confided in me that she is also a single mom. It gives me great hope. Not...

The Return of Friday Fragments

Classes have started, and the usual first-week crises have ensued, so I'm far too wiped for a proper post. Instead...

New Thinking on Wikipedia: Not Evil

Have you had the experience recently of your physician turning her computer screen toward you and googling something she needs...

In Which I Realize That We're Doing It Wrong

I've been slapping myself on the forehead all week, so I figured it would be safer to stop slapping and...

Motherhood After Tenure: the Teacher as Student

This week’s Chronicle of Higher Education contains an essay by Roger H. Martin, a former college president who spent a...

Craven courage

So ... "climate disruption", you say? I think I like it! Meanwhile ... Right after my clock radio switched itself...