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Dangers of Reading 'My Korean Deli'

Warning. If you read My Korean Deli: Risking It All for a Convenience Store by Ben Ryder Howe as audiobook...

My Conversion Experience on Accessibility

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) has now asked the Department of Justice to investigate two more institutions, New...

On Self-Promotion

Surprised to realize recently that I’ve interviewed some 18 people here, from a Vietnamese IT expert to a US Special...

Prepping for the Empty Nest, Part 2

My first response to "Felicity"'s comment on my last post was defensive. I thought she had a lot of nerve...

The NYTimes: A Remembrance

I'm going to miss the New York Times. Without the Times, I'll be a less informed educator, citizen and parent...

Ask the Administrator: Post-Tenure Review

Following up on yesterday’s post, a regular correspondent writes: In your latest blog post you lament the lifetime employment nature...

Drill, Baby, Drill?

I like tigers. The animal, that is, not the human variety that has cropped up lately. Amy Chua’s book “...

Breaking News: The State of the News Media

I have a soft spot for hard news. Every year, at around this time, I have students read the Society...