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Teaching or Service?

I am a full-time instructor. At my institution, this means that I have a heavier teaching load, but it also...

Thoughts from members about #NASPACPA

I've written extensively about #NASPACPA. Voting concludes this week. While we won't know right away whether or not consolidation has...

Academic employment - a question

Why do you work for a university or college? Why do I? These questions (admittedly, in reverse order) popped into...

Community Colleges as Debtbusters

Oh sure -- the New York Times puts up a paywall, and then finally runs an intelligent article about community...

Kaltura, Intel Capital, and Ed Tech Investments

2011 will be remembered as the year that the ed tech sector got hot. Venture capital firms will be making...

Visualizing the globalization of higher education and research

GlobalHigherEd is still alive, I assure you! Unfortunately, our respective responsibilities, and some surprises, have been all consuming of late...

The More Things Change

Two of my close friends, approximately my age, were raped when they were in college. One, feeling shame that she...

Technology and Liberal Arts Education

Rather than a long, blog post on a single topic, this morning I offer some bits and pieces. First, about...