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EDUCAUSE Day #1 Observations

Looking forward to hearing your take-aways and observations from EDUCAUSE. A few un-filtered reactions from day 1: Godin's Keynote: I'm of two minds on Seth Godin's keynote, "Invisible or Remarkable?" The keynote was hugely enjoyable.

Ask the Administrator: Helping, Cheating, or Marketing?

A returning correspondent writes: I teach history in the major university in my area. Every year I get 3-4 emails from high school students who want help with their papers. They often describe their topic with a phrase that sounds suspiciously like a high school essay question. High school instructors seem to feel that students are showing "initiative" by asking somebody else to do their work for them. With time, my initial sense of outrage over the laziness of students has given way to resignation.

Digestive dissonance

I recently participated in an event on Greenback's campus where food was served to students. Food wasn't the main focus...

In Praise of Librarians

I had a chance to participate in a recent meeting of the Association of Research Libraries, the famous ARL. Before...

Ask the Administrator: Improved Open Admissions

A regular reader writes: I teach at an open admission, 4 year college. Unlike community colleges, we actually pull our...

ABC's and PhD's: Language bonds

Last August, while selling cookies and lemonade at a stand she set up with a friend, my 12-year-old daughter met...

3 Questions for Blackboard at EDUCAUSE 2011

This is an important EDUCAUSE for Blackboard. Many of us will be taking a hard look at the company, the...

So it's Sunday evening and I'm in my office on campus.

I like being here when it’s unnervingly deserted. It’s a great time to make sure I’m up to speed on...