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Mothering at Mid-Career: Parenting and Professing Parallels, part two

I enjoyed Afshan Jafar’s piece a couple of weeks back about parallels between parenting and professing in the early years, and I imagine I’m not the only mid-career academic/parent of a teenager who was tempted to write the next chapter.

Operationalizing 'Situations Matter'

Good on Sam Sommers, Tufts University psychology professor and blogger for the Huffington Post and Psychology Today.

Exceptions that prove the rule

My earlier statement that campuses focus more effort on recycling than reduction and reuse combined doesn't mean that no campuses do anything to reduce or reuse.


Udemy has asked UD to be part of the second cohort of professors chosen for its Faculty Project . Udemy...

Ask the Administrator: Changing Silos

A reader asks about moving from a faculty slot to a position in retention and student services.

Now You See It: Gamification of FYC?

Games are fun and educational. But can they be used in First-Year Composition?

What Do You Do to Learn Something New?

It’s been seventy-one days since we made New Year’s resolutions. For those of us who resolved to learn something new this year, “lifelong learning” has never been easier.

Stripping Down the Writing Process

The hardest part about sitting down to write is the actual beginning of making the clackity sound on the keyboard. I can get myself in the chair. I can turn on my machine. I can cruise around on the Internet, and type up a blog post or two about being in graduate school. But when it comes to getting into the nitty gritty of writing the dissertation, starting is the hardest part.