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Math Geek Mom: Intersecting Lives

An important topic from Algebra is that of intersecting lines. Equations can be written representing lines on graph paper, and Algebra, especially Linear Algebra, helps find points that are contained on more than one line, where two or more lines intersect. I thought of this last weekend as I watched former students walk across a stage to receive their diplomas, and realized that their lives had intersected with mine. I know that my life is richer for having known them.

One for the Guidance Counselors

Dear Guidance Counselors, This is the time of year when panicked seniors who either didn’t get into the colleges they wanted, or can’t afford the colleges they wanted, are looking for options.

Netflix Original Content and For-Profit Superstar Faculty

Over the next 5 years Netflix plans to spend about $185 million on the creation of original programming. The first show, Lilyhammer, has been launched - and 4 more are in the pipeline for this year. They are: House of Cards, Hemlock Grove, Orange Is the New Black, and a reboot of Arrested Development. Subscribers will be able to stream the whole season at anytime, bypassing the traditional episode-by-episode release schedule. Will for-profit higher ed follow the Netflix path?

Reading at 30,000 Feet

Magazines are rarely something that I purchase when I'm at home in Boston. However, my tune changes when I'm in an airport. Maybe it's because I'm tired of working while in-flight or perhaps my brain needs something to chew on at elevation. Lately, there are a select few titles that have made their way into my indestructible backpack.

A.D.D. — Absolute Disdain for Discipline

Over the years I have blogged about my son Nick and his dilemmas in school, which began when he was “kicked out” of a Montessori program at age three for behavior that the director described as “autistic.” We rushed to a doctor for an assessment, but Nick's autism tests were largely negative. We removed Nick from Montessori and enrolled him in a more structured public school program.

Foundations of Strategy 4: Business Models

Since last week’s post, I’ve been thinking a lot about business models.

More Engineers Needed: Argentina confronts the challenge

Executives in the Argentina's leading technology companies underscore the lack of engineers, particularly in some specialties such as electrical, electronics, civil, chemical, petroleum and mining engineering and the computer sciences. Employers say that it can take up to three months to fill a position and that a strong competition exists to attract the best graduates. Moreover, as a consequence of the lack of professionals in fields such as computing, employers hire advanced students. One negative side-effect of this practice is an increased dropout rate during the last two years of the undergraduate degree courses.

The Very First Unteachable Students

Turns out that someone has always felt that students are "unteachable."