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Ask the Administrator: The Library as Ladder?

A new correspondent writes: I am the library director at a small liberal arts institution. I have worked closely with...

Are We Playing the Game or Have We Become the Game?

Neoliberalism, Managerialism, Commodification, Corporatization These seem to be the buzz-words in current critiques of higher education, education, and society in...

"No" means "No"

As a parent I think a lot about keeping my children safe. When they’re with me I do what I...

Helpful Hints for Hidden Hoops

Over the past week, I've heard three separate discussions of invisible hoops in the job market that disfavor folks who...

Adhocracy and the Transformation of Libraries

I’ve been mulling over a couple of documents that have generated a lot of chatter in my online circles in...

Being Curious

The day I am writing this, I am sick. I was supposed to go to the Polish Consulate to do...

Mothering at Mid-Career: The Cruellest Month?

Dean Dad seems to agree with T.S. Eliot that “April is the cruellest month.” He’s got a point: just as...

Diversity Begins At Home

The Wife is Catholic, and I’m not. She’s raising the kids Catholic, though we’ve negotiated some boundaries on that. The...