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Amazon, Kindle, and Why Editorial Content Will Trump E-Readers

E-readers will soon be commodities, with low margins and standard feature sets. Kindle, Nook, or whatever - e-book readers will...

Stuck in the mud?

An old friend gave me an old book. Not old by the standards of literature, or even of the publishing...

One Chart to Rule Them All

Wow. If you haven’t seen this chart yet, go look. It shows the cumulative growth of student loan debt in...

Mothering at Mid-Career: This Year's Transition

I picked the car up after an oil change the other day and Greg, the shop owner — a friend...

5 Opportunities for Higher Ed Technology Leadership

The levers available to reduce costs and improve quality in higher ed are all dependent, to some degree, on technology...

Well Protected…

With the growth of on-line services has come a wealth of convenience. I log into the Hofstra portal and my...