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Teach or Perish

Those of us who have been, or are, in graduate school have come across this mantra: publish or perish. What is important about this phrase is not only the unrelenting pressure it puts on graduate students and early career faculty to publish, but the unspoken lack of emphasis it places on teaching

"Ready Player One" and "Reamde"

Reading Reamde (Kindle) and Ready Player One (Audible) simultaneously is somewhat of a surreal experience, as both novels feature massively...

Unpacking the ‘flexibility’ mantra in US higher education

‘Flexibility’ is genuinely slippery concept, one that provides some sense of coherence with vagueness. It is also a concept that is a resource to be used in the pursuit of power. I’m most familiar with the concept of flexibility in relationship to the changing nature of production systems. There has been a long debate in Economic Geography, for example, about phenomena like ‘flexible specialization’ and ‘flexible accumulation’. These interrelated concepts have helped scholars and industry analysts make sense of how production systems are evolving to cope with increasingly levels of competitive pressure, the emergence of global value chains, new forms of territorial development, and so on.

The Faculty-Staff Divide

A thoughtful correspondent wrote last week to express concern about what she perceived as a growing rift between faculty and...

Agriculture and economics

Every year or two, I need to restore what passes for my sanity. When that need arises, I read. More...

Transparency and Pearson's Free OpenClass LMS: 4 Ideas

Michael Feldstein has a terrific post over on his e-Literate blog: "Why Pearson’s OpenClass Is a Big Deal." Michael's post...

What’s New at University of Venus - Week Ending 22 October 2011

UVenus Around the Web: Dr. Davis tried to decide whether she matches Elizabeth Lewis Pardoe ’ s definition of a...

Inventory time

My kids and I decided that yesterday should be a day we spend in Manhattan. We were already set to meet a terrific former student of mine/good friend and her daughter to go shopping on the lower east side (Canal Street) but we decided to go for the entire day. We started at the Museum of Natural History where the regular exhibits as well as the special exhibits always fascinate.