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Had My Children Fallen Into "Important, Not Urgent"?

A colleague of mine from another college came back from a work/life balance seminar where the speaker focused on four different quadrants in which to divide work. Urgent, Important; Urgent, Unimportant; Not Urgent, Not Important; Not Urgent; Important. The speaker argued that too many people focus only on the first two areas, rightfully ignore the third, but also skip out on the fourth which may be the most important area to focus on. In actuality, my colleague was mocking the talk as yet another waste of his time. For me, though, I was hungry for any new (to me, at least) outlook. As the Chair of a large academic department at a small liberal arts college, an Associate Professor, and the mother of three young children (8, 6, and 4) juggling and prioritizing are a daily part of my life.


One of the reasons I like President Obama is that he’s clearly a Dad. I don’t just mean that he has children; I mean that he’s obviously an involved parent. (If you haven’t seen the video of the two-year-old at the Medal of Honor ceremony, check it out. Obama responded as a seasoned parent would.)

Celebrate All Your Relationships This V-Day

Valentine’s Day is finally here, although the decorations and candy have been on shelves for the past month. Last year for this heart shaped holiday we gave some advice on how to negotiate the dating scene. We gave some advice on potential ways to meet people and some advice on how to make time for it. In this post we want to talk about negotiating the relationship in grad school. This year we want to focus on celebrating all of your relationships: family, friends, co-workers and significant others! Beyond thinking about academic (and non!) crushes, how do you see yourself in your existing multiple relationships both within and outside of academia?

Does Student Affairs Need a Technology MOOC? #saMOOC

Does your student affairs / higher education graduate program have a technology class? Have you ever hoped for a student affairs technology book? Maybe it's time to look at something outside of our usual wheelhouse. What am I talking about? Well, last October, I tweeted out a question about whether or not we should look at creating a Student Affairs Technology MOOC.

Thinking Globally

This January, my University hosted a group of Monash University students from Malaysia on nine-day, non-credit study tour. Eighteen months of logistical preparation, including securing permission from University authorities, preparing University facilities and recruiting student guides, preceded this visit. While we are not strangers to international exchanges, this marks the first time we are doing institutional hosting of this scale.

The Campus Visit: 6 Insights for EdTech Vendors

A few years ago many were predicting the demise of the onsite sales call. Why should a sales team get on an airplane when Web conferencing was available?

Change of focus

Another morning all home together. As I begin this blog, it’s a holiday here in BC, the very first celebration of the newly created Family Day. With this holiday, plus two professional development days for teachers, the short month of February is a very short month indeed for school children. For many families the extra days off mean scrambles for childcare and fewer hours for those who depend on the time their children are in school to get work done.

The Ethics of Admissions, Part I: Graduate and Professional School

As higher education’s business model implodes, its connection to ethics is revealed.