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Long Distance Mom: Mean Girls and Boobs

Made you look, huh? I put “boobs” in the title, knowing that it would draw attention and to make a postmodern point. Not that I really need to make one, after ‘Mr. Family Guy’, the Academy Awards host, made it for me.

Advice From Tenure-Track Faculty To Those Entering The Profession

When we asked people that have been working in higher education for more than a year for advice to people entering in similar positions to them, we received a wide variety of suggestions. In this post we’ll share what tenure-track faculty (who represented 17% of all combined 464 survey respondents) would advise those just entering the tenure track.

I'm Not Going to the AWP Conference, and I Feel Fine

There's some aspects of the AWP conference that trouble me. Is it me or the conference? Both?

Taking time to think about expectations for women in undergraduate science

Decades of research in higher education has sought to understand why students come to STEM fields and why they leave. This has been especially true for women in science degree programs.

Teaching with GoogleDocs

Welcome to another entry in our loosely-defined-yet-still-exciting teaching with technology series. This week: Teaching with GoogleDocs!

EdTech Questions about Phoenix

My edtech antennae went up when reading Paul Fain's article yesterday on Possible Probation for Phoenix. It is clear from both the article and comments that this is an important and complicated story.

ABC’s and PhD’s: Financial Planning for College

Please, please, please just let us finance our two kids through college without too much debt. I’m a biologist, by Zeus, not an economist, not an accountant, not a portfolio manager at an investment firm. I seem to do fine spending money, but planning for enormous purchases such as college and retirement are way beyond my comfort (and frankly, my interest) level. Way.

Ethics of Admission, Pt. II: Undergraduates and the Brass Ring

The use of gambling metaphors to describe getting a college education suggests it may be time to stop the merry-go-round.