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Career Coach: Should I Adjunct?

I taught for several years at a state school of fairly low rank and then taught at a very diverse...

Taking Children's Lit Seriously

We went to a lecture last night by Leonard S. Marcus, author, critic, and children’s book historian, who’d told a...

Drama Mama: One Rabbit

When I was a young actress in New York City my managers gave me an ultimatum. They said I had...

Perversely Enough, We're Upscaling

In conversation this week with someone who works in the 'student life' side of the college, I heard something I...

Motherhood After Tenure: Anxiety

When I was a girl, I took a trip to visit my grandparents in Florida. Leaving Buffalo, NY in November...

Foot-Dragging and Network Externalities

My college, like most, is struggling with ways to communicate. In this context, I don't mean that in the substantive...

... or what's a meta phor?

Sometimes, life hands you a metaphor which is just absolutely perfect. I think that's the case with the current meltdown...

Brevity Is A Virtue

I have something in the new issue of Brevity, the premiere online journal of concise literary nonfiction, if you're interested...