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ABCs and Ph.D.s: The Sequential Strategy

When I was in graduate school I could count on one hand (maybe even one finger) the number of graduate...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Getting out the Vote

I first came to political consciousness during the Watergate era. We'd been living overseas and actually returned to the U.S...

While Rome Burns...

I'm too distracted by the election to put together a proper post, so this meme from Lesboprof came at a...

Thoughts on Student Government at CC's

Last week a reader from a college whose student government recently made a collective ass of itself wrote to ask...

Economic and Ecologic Elucidations

One of the issues which often raises its head when I speak about sustainability to local groups -- both on...

From Chaos to Order

High School Friend on Right Ocean recently got a new provost at his university. He writes: What was interesting was...

Math Geek Mom: Seventy Seven Cents?

Women are paid, on average, only seventy seven cents for every dollar earned by men. As can be seen at...

Cleaner Air, Cooler Planet

Doing a greenhouse gas inventory for a college or university involves crunching a lot of numbers. Activities which generate emissions...