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The Natural End of Schooling

Amy Chua’s endlessly discussed Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa’s Academically Adrift have provoked...

"Put It Through Governance"

Shared governance has many definitions, and the boundaries can be fuzzy. But most academics have a pretty clear idea that...

Just Spent $229.50 for Digital Content - Why?

When will you pay for digital content? If you are in the information business, and education is an information business...

Ask the Administrator: Worst Interview Response

I file this one under “instant classic.” A new correspondent writes: [I]f you are asked "how has your teaching changed...

1,002 Followers: Still Lame at Twitter

I am lame at Twitter. The Twitter EDU world is divided into (at least) 3 categories: Awesome Twitter People: People...

The Cost of Freedom (of Information): In Defense of William Cronon

I am a huge fan of open government and of the Freedom of Information Act. The right of the people...

Mothering at Mid-Career: March Madness

I’ve been keeping tabs open in my browser, hoping I can get to them before the newsworthiness fades, but it’s...

Conference 101

I love conferences; they allow me to be a registrar geek, among over 2,000 people, vendors, university representatives, and governmental...