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Arts Priority

Recently at a program presented by the Long Island Arts Alliance, New York State Education Commissioner David Steiner made an...

Short e-Books: 'Great Stagnation' and 'Lifted'

Tyler Cowen's The Great Stagnation: How America Ate All The Low-Hanging Fruit of Modern History,Got Sick, and Will (Eventually) Feel...

Social web info overload: Summify may provide balance

According to Twitter, I have 3,200 favorites, my Google Reader account lists 1,000+ unread items and I have more than...

Rites of Passagio

In singing, we differentiate between the "head voice" and the "chest voice." The chest voice is, for most of us...

Guest Book Review: 'On Pain of Speech'

On Pain of Speech: Fantasies of the First Order and the Literary Rant , by Dina Al-Kassim. University of California...

Ask the Administrator: Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?

A perplexed correspondent writes: Right now I am a Community College Adjunct who is applying for some full time positions...

It's the Hard That Makes it Great

My job didn’t exist three years ago. My institution is relatively new to offering free-standing master’s programs. Until recently we...

Google Map Maker and Admissions

Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) professionals should be some of the most tech-savvy student affairs practitioners at your campus. With useful...