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6 Reasons to End (Almost) All Timed Exams

Can we declare the era of the timed exam (almost) completely over? 6 Reasons to End (Almost) All Timed Exams*...

Stuck in the Slow Lane

You know that awful feeling when you’re stuck in a lane that’s moving so much slower than the lane next...

Balancing the Passionate With the Mundane

The title of my honours thesis was “Religiosity and Neuroticism’s Effects on Death Anxiety.” Really? I suppose there isn’t any...

Conserving happiness

Two recent pieces came together in my mind this afternoon. The first, published in Grist, contains economist Stephen DeCanio's prescription...

Catching up with May

The month of May has been terrifically busy for me. I moved 3,000 miles from Corvallis, Oregon to Columbia, South...

Literacy in the Digital Age: Part IV

Higher education faces a combination of challenges today. First and foremost, the concept that education is a public good is...

Mothering at Mid-Career: A First

There hasn’t been a whole lot of “mothering” talk on this blog lately — both because I’ve been busy with...

Other Parents

“But Joey’s parents let him play Call of Duty!” Sigh. We’ve hit the age at which our biggest parenting obstacle...