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An $18 Million, 3 Year, Ed Tech Dataset Proposal

Proposal Overview: This project will develop and disseminate a representative dataset of anonymous information from U.S. postsecondary enterprise learning management...

Starting Strong: Your First Days on Campus

In the span of approximately three years, I started three new jobs at new institutions. So when my fellow UVenus...

Summer Plans

I enjoyed reading about Aeron's "vacation" activities and thought I would continue the thread. Because I work for myself, I...

An end of the string

Ever have one of those days where you wake up smarter than you went to sleep? Well, maybe not smarter...

Journal 13

D, a married man: "I'm sick at home today, sniffing magazine perfume ads and pretending I'm with another woman."

A Rare Moment of Sanity in Congress

Recently, the Federal Education Department promulgated new rules -- ostensibly motivated by concerns about abuses in the for-profit sector of...