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NSSE, Peer-Driven Learning, and Getting Your Money’s Worth

Why do are students willingly miss classes, celebrating the canceled class?

Wait for It... Wait for It...

I was never much of a batter. I wouldn’t make contact terribly often, and when I did, I only ever hit down the third base line. If you’re a right-handed batter like me, that’s a sign of swinging too early.

'The High-Beta Rich' & 'Boomerang'

Two book recommendations for Thanksgiving 2011 are Robert Frank's The High-Beta Rich and Michael Lewis' Boomerang. These books go nicely as a pair, as the first seeks to explain the consequences of the financialization of wealth and the second follows this trend to its ultimate conclusion (world economic crisis and default). If you were planning on going crazy on Black Friday at Best Buy with your credit card, you might be wiser to download (buy?) these books and stay home reading.

Stop Using FERPA as a Social Media Banhammer

Sometimes I wonder how we even have telephones or email accounts. These tools when misused can lead to severe FERPA violations. However, at some point, our professional common sense prevailed and we realized that banning communication tools isn't a FERPA requirement.

Harmonization of Development Agencies in Higher Education

In early October 2011 the seminar, “Network for Organizations Managing Higher Education, Research and Capacity Building Programs for Developing Countries” was held in Norway to discuss issues of harmonization under the theme of “Coordination and Harmonization of International Aid Programs.” The network is a group of European organizations committed to developing higher education and capacity building in developing countries with the aim of harmonizing and coordinating the programs they implement.

Buy nothing

Consider these three words: alcoholic, chocoholic, shopaholic.

“General Education,” Within and Without

What do you expect a college graduate to know? What do you expect a college graduate to be like? The questions are very different. They start from different assumptions, and are usually asked by different people with different goals. A good answer to one may not shed much light on the other.

The Future of the College Bookstore

As more and more educational content -- textbooks and course materials -- is available digitally, what's the future of the local campus bookstore? Will it adapt?