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Peer-Driven Learning: Quick on My Feet

Reflections on a second semester using peer-driven learning, and how social media makes me a better teacher.

What Dinty W. Moore Knows

Writer, editor, teacher, Dinty W. Moore shares some thoughts about writing in a conversation about his new book, The Mindful Writer.

Life stories

News of the unexpected death of a former collaborator has me thinking about my own life and my legacy. Where have I come from, where I am now, and where am I going?

Massive Open Online Courses: How “The Social” Alters the Relationship Between Learners and Facilitators

We're getting close to the tail end of the 36-week-long experiment called #change11, or “the mother of all MOOCs.”

Pure Parental Exhaustion

Late Spring is always difficult. It’s the end of the academic year, so that brings with it the Revenge of the Rubber Chicken Circuit -- a cascading series of evening events calculated specifically to defeat family time. Each event is worthwhile in its own right, of course, but the sheer number of them becomes wearing.

Pros and Cons of "Why Nations Fail"

I read Why Nations Fail this month while traveling in South Korea. The book was much on my mind as I looked across the DMZ at North Korea on the 38th parallel. South Korea, a country of about 50 million people, enjoys a per capital PPP (purchasing power parity) GDP of around $32,000.

Interviewing Skills for Qualitative Research

When doing research, sometimes it is easy to forget about the actual research project as you jump through all the hoops to get your IRB approved, find your subjects, honing in on your questions, etc. For those of us doing more qualitative work, there can be another huge layer of work involved interviewing subjects will be a part of your study. I wanted to look closely at some other factors that can help prepare interviewers beyond the simple adage of "don't ask close ended questions!"

Class Dismissed

Half of new bachelor’s degree grads are either unemployed or underemployed, according to the Associated Press. The market isn’t ready to absorb them.