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What’s New at University of Venus? 16 June 2012

What’s New at UVenus: ● Janni Aragon at University of Venus at The Guardian with We should be paying more...

On the Failure of Legacy Governance at the University of Virginia

Is the legacy approach to governance -- one reflecting a different historical era and a distinctly higher level of commitment to public higher education -- appropriate, defensible, and effective?

Clear Talk on Student Debt with Ann C. Logue

I know someone who explained the current student debt "crisis" to me. I figured I'd share her with the world.

Students vs. Academics

Often in class or informal discussions my classmates and I would gleefully make up words, justifying the practice by saying “we’re academics – we’re just creating new vocabulary to expand the discourse.” Of course this is all just rationalizing the bastardization of the English language, but we amused ourselves with it nonetheless. In some ways, it was a kind of dreaming ahead – one day we would be “real” academics. Our made up words would subsequently be cited and we would go down in the annals of scholarship as being the source for an absolutely integral concept or phrase. It could happen right?

Instructure Canvas, Now With Learning Analytics

The learning management system startup Instructure unveiled a learning analytics feature for its Canvas platform this week at InstructureCon, its (now) annual user conference.

Global Education, Google and Apple

The idea that Google is better positioned than Apple to impact global higher education may seem counterintuitive.

What's Right With Publishing

When it comes to publishing, Charles Dickens was half right. It’s the worst of times, and it always has been. But forget what all the pundits say; there is some good news.

The Girl Discovers the Transitive Property

Earlier this week, The Boy’s baseball season ended, and the team went out for ice cream. The Girl and I had been at the game, so we went, too. While the team took over the inside booths and did the things that sugared-up eleven year old boys do, TG and I stood in line by the outside window to get our cones.