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Fun with Demographics

Over at the FACE blog, there's a worthwhile question about the impending drop in the number of 18 year olds...

UD Takes A Year-Long Sabbatical From Teaching

The question of the sabbatical -- salaried time away from teaching and all other university activities --is caught up in...


I've been remiss. Mea culpa. Well, maybe not all that culpa; I'll plead mitigating circumstances. The end of the academic...

The Career Counselor Is In: Advice From 'The Other Side'

Editor’s Note: Megan Pincus Kajitani will be answering your career transition questions here each Monday. Read on, and send your...

Ask the Administrator: Waiting for the Official Offer

A returning correspondent writes: First I want to thank you and your readers for responding to a couple of different...

An Introduction

It gives us great pleasure to launch the Mama, PhD blog here on Inside Higher Ed! Mama, PhD is a...

What Josh Birnbaum Knows

Another of the benefits of revealing my real name and location is the ability to profile remarkable people I’ve met...

Freecycle it

One of the mantras of the sustainability movement is "reduce, reuse, recycle." The three options are stated in order of...