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On getting older

Last week a new custodian, while emptying my office trash, took one look at a framed photo of my daughter and asked me brightly, “Is that your granddaughter?” I graciously corrected him and continued working. When I mentioned this to friends their responses were uniformly horrified. It is a truth universally acknowledged that telling a woman she’s old is an unforgivable insult.

Too Many Daves

Meet Dave. Dave doesn’t exist, but his real-life counterparts do.

#Reverb11: Time for Reflection

It’s that time of the year – time to assess last year’s resolutions, make new ones for 2012, and reflect on how life’s going.

Coursekit First Impressions

Audrey Watters' post inspired me to spend some time building a new Coursekit site.

Normalizing the Cutting Edge

Brene Brown's talk on vulnerability resonates with me for a variety of reasons. My blog posts at my personal site generally have a bit of vulnerability in them. Being vulnerable in professional spaces is something that I have explored in-person and in online conversations. However, vulnerability is difficult to maintain when you are on a deadline or you just don't feel like sharing a bit of yourself in a blog post. In the spirit of being more vulnerable, here is me sharing a little more...

The worst kind of organic

I was in the supermarket yesterday, looking at organic produce. At our latitude, I can grow good sweet peppers, but hot peppers have never done well in my garden.

ABCs and Ph.D.s: Novel writing

When you hear fanfare, cat-calls, whoops and whistles tonight you’ll know that’s our household celebrating the end of National Novel Writing Month (known online as – check it out!).

What Does Coursekit Say about the Future of the LMS?

Another LMS has launched this week -- Coursekit. What does this mean for the future of the LMS?