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The Value of Doing Research - and Sharing It

I have been thinking about my last post in which (taking a leaf from Mark Bauerlein) I questioned the emphasis we put on quantity of peer-reviewed publications as the primary determinant of who will be recognized as a scholar worthy of tenure. Publications become a kind of currency traded for a safe job – a currency that is suffering from inflation.

Gift Cultures

I don’t think of myself as Scrooge, but this time of year the endless questions around “secret Santas” and informal gift exchange always crop up. Lesboprof’s take is particularly thoughtful.

MITx: 3 Cheers and 3 Questions

MITx is very big news. For a great overview of MIT's plans, check out Audrey Watters' excellent writeup MITx: The Next Chapter for University Credentialing? The MIT student paper The Tech also has a great article. The MIT press release and accompanying FAQ also go into detail about MITx.

Mothering at Mid-Career: Evaluation Time

Most of the faculty folks I know are either in the throes of grading or just done. The students have mostly gone home and we are finishing up the dregs of this semester as we prepare for the holidays and, before we know it, the next semester. Those of us whose grades are in may also be able to experience just a bit of what our students are going through now by reviewing our own student evaluations from the semester just past.

MITx: The Next Chapter for University Credentialing?

MIT made a big announcement today by unveiling its plans for MITx, an online learning platform open to anyone that will offer certificates to non-enrolled students that complete the course.

Write Timing

As I am entering the library earlier this week, I pass by a student on a cell phone and hear the student make the following statement: “I finished all my finals but I still have to write a 60 page term paper which is due in two days.” As hard as it is to believe, the student clearly stated that the paper is due in two days.

Goolam Mohamedbhai: Small Island States in the Indian Ocean

Small island states, because of their small population and limited employment opportunities, face daunting challenges in setting up a higher education sector of their own. They do need qualified personnel and professionals, but economies of scale handicap them in setting up full-fledged training programmes

All we want for the holidays...

Here at GradHacker, we all have things that we want and that we think are great gifts for grads. From some of our authors, here are our suggestions for last minute gifts for grads. These include great on the go gifts like Reusable, BPA-free food storage containers for transporting left-overs from home to campus. An attractive journal made of recycled and/or sustainable materials to use for recording ideas whenever the muse strikes. Kindle, iPad, or tablet case for added protection and durability. Some of our favorite music and book selections. And tech stuff that every grad student needs like a subscription to Dropbox. Instead of trying to select a band, consider giving a yearly subscription to Pandora or Spotify, so your grad student can pick their own tunes! Suggestions by Amy Rubens, Julie Platt, Katy Meyers, Terry Brock, and Trent Kays Happy Holidays!!