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Math Geek Mom: Problems of Justice Waiting to be Solved

In 1900, the mathematician David Hilbert listed 100 mathematical problems that he felt would be good problems to address in the next century. Many of these have been solved, but some still wait for solutions. I found myself thinking of this recently as I realized that the season of Lent had begun. While this is traditionally a season of fasting and repentance, many today also approach this season as an opportunity to find ways to bring about a more just world. I found myself thinking of the Hilbert problems because it occurred to me that those of us in higher education could bring our collective minds together to address several issues that, like the Hilbert questions of years ago, seem to need addressing.

KnowU: Where Social Meets Learning

When I first spoke with representatives from Harrison College (HC), they emphasized a "sense of place" with their KnowU learning platform. The platform went live last month with 164 online students who were slated to use KnowU.

Montesquieu Goes to College

Should different economic classes have different colleges? And should those colleges have different missions? I’m not talking about the elite-of-the-elite letting in a few scholarship students, as welcome as that is. I’m thinking more of art history and philosophy at community colleges.

Long Distance Mom: Laissez les bon temps roulez

My partner, Ted Hardin, and I will be in New Orleans on Thursday for the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) meeting on general education and assessment. (We’re just missing Mardi Gras, darn it!) We are helping to deliver the keynote speech with biologist James P. Collins on “Learning and Discovery in an Era of Change.” We’ll be focusing on environmental issues and how interdisciplinary practices affect new forms of teaching and student learning.

Marketing as Strategy, Part Two: Start With What You Know

Research can be one of the great levelers, since different people throughout the institution have different knowledge and ideas about how the institution or school is perceived externally, based on who they interact with and how long they’ve been part of the organization.

Student Affairs Graduate Programs and Technology

Initially, I was going to title this post "Top 10 Student Affairs Graduate Programs That Get Technology." However, when I started to ponder which programs actually are leading the way when it comes to technology in Student Affairs, I couldn't think of any programs.

Scraping Campus Bookstore Data in the Hunt for Cheaper Textbooks

Textyard has open sourced the tool it build for harvesting course and textbook data from college textbooks. Textyard used this to build its textbook price comparison site, and now that the startup's founders are moving on to a new project, they're releasing the technology in the hopes that other students and programmers can build projects with it.

What Matthew Gavin Frank Knows

A conversation with Matthew Gavin Frank about his new memoir, Pot Farm.