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Recapturing American Higher Education’s Lost Promise

Strategies for ensuring that this country’s colleges and universities fulfill their democratic mission.

Cover of The Devil Never Sleeps by Juliette Kayyem

Pairing ‘The Devil Never Sleeps’ With ‘Universities on Fire’

What has to happen for academic leaders to prioritize climate risk?

Be Careful What You Say

Guilt and forgiveness in the age of cancel culture.

The Psychodynamics of the College Classroom

Understanding the relational and emotional aspects of teaching.

Cover of The Education Myth by Jon Shelton

Academics and ‘The Education Myth’

Is investing in higher education truly the best path for reducing inequality and building a broad middle class?

Reporting and Conflict Avoidance

When conflict avoidance only generates more conflict.

Closing the Curtain

Colleges and the future of local, regional, avant-garde, radical and experimental theater.