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Instructure Canvas Has Some Buzz

Instructure's Canvas learning management system (LMS) keeps popping up in the conversations I've been having. I'll be speaking to someone...

Long Distance Mom: Not Even Past

I’ve seen two films recently that reflect on the lives of women who work away from their children for jobs...

Of tulips and jobs

I recently re-read Charles Mackay's classic Extraordinary Popular Delusions. It contains perhaps the best-known account of the Dutch tulip mania...

'Hotspots' and international scientific collaboration

The OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2011: Innovation and Growth in Knowledge Economies report was released on 20 September...

College Sports and Our Winter of Discontent

Periodically in the world of intercollegiate athletics, we cycle through a set of controversies, changes, and challenges that cause our...

5 Things I No Longer Wish to Own

Is this desire to shed ownership of things a life cycle story, a digital story, or something else? Do you...

The View from Fifth Grade

“I have a locker!”You forget what’s important when you’re ten.TW and I went to the parents’ open house at The...

On Being a Feminist Role Model in the Classroom

Lee Skallerup “Is it always like this?” This question came from one of the three male students in my 50+...