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Important Role of Government

I am today philosophically close to where I was when I was in graduate school. I am a middle of the road economist. I recognize the importance of government fiscal and monetary policy and yet government needs to make sure it doesn’t micromanage where it isn’t necessary, and government needs to make sure that the laws are constructed in the fairest way possible.

Where's Oronte?

In which certain mysteries are only prolonged.

Kvelling and Reflecting

In school, I was known as a "gifted underachiever." I scored high on standardized tests, won writing competitions, and excelled in subjects that were considered "frills," such as music, drama, and art. But my homework was disorganized, my math and science skills rudimentary, and my grade point average mediocre at best.

Peer-Driven Learning: Blogging vs the Term Paper

A response to my students' thoughts on the subject.

Friday Fragments

Thank you to everyone who answered the call for suggestions earlier this week about running college classes in high schools. The point about class interruptions for announcements, proms, and such was a good one, and can be included in the words of warning we give the professors.

Negotiating the Dating Scene in Grad School

Valentine’s Day is fast-approaching, and for many singletons out there, just passing by the grocery store’s “seasonal” aisle can be an unpleasant reminder of one’s relationship status. Of course, being single, even during Valentine’s Day, can be a liberating experience and also a time of personal growth and discovery. But what if you’re single and you’d like to start dating? What if you also are in graduate school? As we’ve discovered, dating while you’re a graduate student poses its own challenges. Here is some advice from Amy (who is happily taken) and Katy (who is currently negotiating the dating scene).

5 Foundational Principles for Course Design

The big secret amongst many of us who work in online learning is that we are not all that wild about online courses. Sure, we think online courses can be great, and can fill an important need, but what really gets us excited is learning.

Adaption to replace moderation?

Should first-year students be assigned shared readings about adaptation to climate change? And if they were, what would that mean for curriculum?