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Ask the Administrator: Too Many Variables

A new correspondent writes: I currently hold a BS and MA in my field and teach FT at a private...

Snow Days

Blizzards in the Northeast have forced colleges to cancel classes and given students a chance to show off their creativity.

Bag it! (or don't)

Kind of on the heels of the (no) dining hall trays idea: I just saw an item in the Sunday...

Ask the Administrator: When Should I Turn Pro?

A new correspondent writes: I'm a graduate student in a field that's lucky enough to not have that many people...

Out of Focus?

So, it was Friday, February 1 — the day after Focus the Nation — and I was basking in the...

When Good Schools Won't Close

Oh, I know: Your drifts are bigger than our drifts, and all that. Our friends in Green Bay won’t be...

Focusing on Sustainability

Thursday was the date for the national sustainability teach-in event called “Focus the Nation” (, a national “day of...

Ask the Administrator: The Case of the Haunting Husband

A new chair writes: I am a first year chair of a medium sized department at a community college (college...