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Friday Fragments

-- This week a student reminded me of a side of college I sometimes forget. He’s openly gay, and his...

Math Geek Mom: New Ideas?

I remember being part of a meeting many years ago where the term “STEM” (to describe the fields of Science...

Deconstructing Proverbs

September's UVenus question comes to us from Meg Palladino -- What is your favorite proverb or saying, and why? Afshan...

Where There's Smoke ...

In today's IHE article on the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Aid Committee's survey of higher education regarding regulation, the...

Amazon's New Kindles and Higher Ed: 5 Questions

1. Will Devices and Content Merge? At $199 for the Kindle Fire, and $79 for the basic Kindle, prices are...

Long Distance Mom: Domestic Partnering

I was informed recently that my son Nick will receive free tuition from my partner’s university, as long as Ted...

Green Follows White?

Could community colleges attract more funding by attracting more white kids? This column suggests that they could. It’s hardly news...

Board but never boring

Greenback U, this academic year, has experienced an influx of bicyclists. We've always had a small number, but this semester...