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Admissions to higher education in Brazil

The state university in Campinas, UNICAMP, one of the leading research universities in Brazil, has announced a new experimental procedure...

Professionalizing Higher Ed in Latin America: Small Initiatives with Big Payoffs

While Latin American universities are certainly attentive to rankings and their poor showing in most of them, there is a...

US 'Sham University' Creates Problems in India- and Raises Questions about Internationalization

If it were not so serious, it would be laughable. An American ‘sham university’ enrolled more than 1,500 students from...

De-bureaucratization within China's Universities

Since the draft of Outline of China’s National Plan for Medium and Long-Term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020) released in...

New State Apparatus for Indian Higher Education

Young India has a comparative advantage in an ageing world but India can profit from it only through education. Thus...

Picking Winners : The U.S. Plays a Different Game

Country after country announces national policy to pick leading research universities, lavish resources upon them, and thrust them higher into...

Lessons from Europe: Towards an African Higher Education and Research Space

The European Higher Education Area is now a reality. It materialised in 2010 after a decade of active consultation and...

The English Patient

Higher education in England is currently the subject of an extraordinary experiment in the allocation of public funding: the question...