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In my last blog, I noted my high regard for Consumer Reports. But there are so many goods and services not ranked by Consumer Reports or any other objective judge.

Objective Evaluation

No different than many of my peers, I have strong feelings on many issues. Some are well grounded in fact; others are “gut reactions” on a much more emotional level. Likely, my evaluations, opinions and judgments reflect my values, which impact their objectivity.

'The Nance'

I was not familiar with the word "nance" until I looked it up after the announcement that Nathan Lane would be coming back to Broadway as the lead role in "The Nance."

Proud But Much Remains to Be Done

I have always been enormously proud to work at a university that was accessible before there were any ADA requirements.

Hard to Understand

My younger daughter was fine in England. We loved being there. The accent was strange to her but people were talking English and she had no trouble communicating.

Along for the Ride

When I was a young kid, my parents owned a mom and pop butcher shop. Both of my parents worked very hard and my being out of school for the summers was a real complication for them.

Board Service

I am very fortunate to be able to serve on multiple not-for-profit boards.